Accurate Record Keeping

Why Choose Me

This Is Why

We Should Work Together

Always On Time

Ted Day is a professional who believes in the importance of being punctual. He will always be on time and will respect your schedule.

Hard Working

Ted is willing to learn and is always looking for new ways to grow the company. He strives to provide the best services at the cheapest rates.

24/7 Availability

Most big companies won't work after 5pm. Ted is always willing to hop on a call and answer any questions you may have!

Maximum Benefits

We want to get you the best bang for your buck. Our insurance policies will help you to maximize your benefits!

Answer Every Question

We will answer any question you have about your insurance policy. Ted has 30+ years of experience in this industry.

Always Accurate

We won't sell you a policy you are not qualified for. We will spend hours working to find a policy that is right for your needs.

Free Quotation

Request A Quote

If you need insurance and are looking for a personalized quote, please give me a phone call. If I am not available, please leave a voicemail with your name, phone number, and the insurance policy you are shopping for.